Barricaded & Forgotten

Barricaded & Forgotten

Barricaded and forgotten these walls hold the sounds of few and the sight of one forsaken. Each moment spent is a reminder of the past. As the dawn approaches, new thoughts shine forth. Each wall tells a different story of the same event: Brokenness, deception,...

Will This Chaos Ever End?

Will This Chaos Ever End?

Can anyone know? This truth weakens the bones as the malevolent beast surrounds, these mischievous creatures lie, and the malicious monster conquers. Anger. Agitation. It all speaks to these desolate mendacities! These pondering questions give way to hollow answers....

What Is Life Coaching?

What Is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching? Coaching is a lifestyle of relationships that allows each person being coached to take responsibility for his or her own life. Each coach cultivates a dynamic relationship that believes each person was made with a unique dream, passion, and...

4 Tips For College Freshman

4 Tips For College Freshman

I recently had lunch with one of my students who is about to embark on a new journey in his life: Freshman year at college. During our conversation we discussed lots of things such as girls, life, and dealing with hard situations. I fear for the upcoming class of...

3 Day Respawn

3 Day Respawn

What is 3 Day Respawn? Biblical Truth, Brotherly Accountability, and Godly Love. 3 Day Respawn is a ministry which aims to provide Godly fellowship, companionship, and Biblical direction by offering a method of connecting with others through the video games based...

To Whom Shall I Turn?

To Whom Shall I Turn?

“Hey man! What’s going on?” I said to my friend as we walked into the church sanctuary. “Not too much. Did you know this place is haunted?” He asked as we began checking out the surroundings. Our makeshift beds were set up just below the stage at Unity Church. As we...

This Ends Now!

A desolate red desert spans the landscape with a mountain in front of you. The sky is gloomy and cloudy as if a volcano has just erupted. Millions of people are forking in the road. Most go left while a few go right. Terror begins shooting through your veins. Tens of...

Victory’s Defeat

There is a man who became someone in order to fight against evil and corruption. This man made decisions and revolutionized a city. He had several major victories and a couple major losses. Those losses, however, permeated him; they sunk deep within his bones and...

America Bless God

"God Bless America." We hear this all the time. We say it all the time, but do we really understand what that phrase means? Or better yet, do we even believe God has, is or will bless America? Today I woke up with every intention on going down to Washington, Pa and...

About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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