This was a question I was asked during the final minutes of our Spirit Night fundraiser at Chick-Fil-A the other night. The short slender man inhaling some of Pall Mall’s finest began prying, “Do you know who the President of Nicaragua is (as he said it with a less than accurate pronunciation in Spanish)?” “Why are you taking kids there?” “Don’t you know there are people right here in Pittsburgh who need it?”

These are questions I have asked myself in the past. Why do people go overseas when there is a major need right here in America? Why do we ignore the major need right in our own back yard? The answer is, why not both?

He tried to tell me he wasn’t trying to be a jerk (I guess that’s for God to judge). As I kept my calm while smiling I began to process my answer as fast as I could; as nice as I could.

“Well, sir, we help people here in Plum. We help out at the Plum Food Pantry and we strongly recognize the need here in America, Pittsburgh, and the Plum/Monroeville area. I have thought about these things as well, but I want my students to experience life outside of rich America, and see what living without a meal, parents, and material things really looks like. It is to help people who need food, shelter, and love. It is for my students I am taking them to Nicaragua, so they can have a life changing experience.”

In the words of my friend Pierce, missionary to Nicaragua, “These kids are starving, they literally live in the garbage dumps, and don’t have any parents.” Why are we going to Nicaragua? Because there are people in need there and we want to help them. Jesus calls men to “love mercy” and “feed the hungry.” Do we have to go to Nicaragua to do this? Quite honestly, the answer is no. We don’t have to do anything. But if we love Jesus we have to help those in need, no matter where they are.

Why Nicaragua?

  1. I believe the Lord has opened the door to go, and we are walking through that door.
  2. I have friends down there we will be helping.
  3. The Bible tells us to.

What do you mean the Bible tells you to go to Nicaragua?

In Acts 1:8, Luke records the final words Jesus proclaims to His disciples. He says,

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Was this a promise just to the disciples? How can we be sure that this promise still remains?

Well in order to please the Father, we need the Father. In order to receive Salvation, we have to receive Jesus and follow Him. If we want to accomplish the will of the Father, we need the Holy Spirit. Christian living is not done without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, since we have received the Holy Spirit, we are called to reach people all over the world. Do we minister locally? Of course! And where we live should be our major emphasis. But if we have the opportunity to minister abroad, we should accept that opportunity.

Jesus doesn’t just make importance of spreading the Good News about His death, resurrection, and salvation to all people groups. We also see Him explain the truth about social needs in Matthew 25:31-40. Jesus puts this at his climax of the Final Judgment. It would seem that the judgment will be based on some sort of works done on the earth. These are not works of “pious” and “religious” men, but works of people willing to help others in need. These are works done because of their love for the Father. (Disclaimer: I believe we are saved by grace, not works. But like James says, “Faith without deeds is dead” James 2:26. The love for the Father causes and propels men to do good deeds for the Father).

Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Central America and in the Western Hemisphere. Jesus says in Matthew 25:40, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Nicaragua is in need and as a youth group, as a church, and as followers of Jesus Christ, we want to assist them as much as we possibly can.

This trip is not cheap. If you are able to donate to the students, please contact me. Even if it is a couple of dollars, every little bit counts.


About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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