Hebrew U MapWhy Hebrew University? Do you even know the language? Why would you want to leave America? What’s wrong with you!?

These are some of the questions (Yes, all legitimate questions/comments) I’ve been asked this past week about my acceptance to Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. So I want to clear a couple of things up.

Question: Do you even speak the language (Most common question)?
Answer: Yes. When I came back from Israel in 2010 I taught myself the alphabet and a plethora of words. Since then I’ve had 3 classes in Biblical Hebrew officially and I’ve been using the Pimsleur Method to make sure I have my modern Hebrew at a decent place before I live there.
I will also be taking an Ulpan in August, which is a Hebrew Intensive to help me adjust to the language.

Question: Why would you want to leave America/live in Israel? Aren’t there terrorist attacks?
Answer: In good ole Socratic fashion I would ask, “Have you ever been to Israel?” Yes, there are attacks on Israel. Yes, I could die if I ride the wrong bus at the wrong time. You can also get shot from being in the wrong place here in America. You could also get into a very bad car accident and die. A pastor once told me, “The safest place to be, is in the will of God.” If I die, I get to be with Jesus! If I live, I get to live my dream. Sounds like a win/win to me!

Question: Why Hebrew University/ Why are you getting ANOTHER Master’s degree?
Answer: Hebrew University is ranked among the top 100 schools in the world and top 25 among overseas universities. Albert Einstein was on the First Board of Governors. I get to learn the Hebrew language and the Bible in its context for two years. I get to learn Akkadian (ancient Semitic language), possibly Egyptian and I would love to learn Arabic as well. I get to meet new people and learn about the Judeo-Christian faith in its Middle Eastern context. I want to be a professor one day and an effective pastor who preaches the Old Testament with confidence and truth. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Question: What degree are you getting?
Answer: It will be a Master’s degree in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (Click on the link and check out the program for yourself).

Question: What’s wrong with you? Are you crazy!?
Answer: I hope so!

Question: Are you going to find a wife there? (This is legitimate, can’t tell you how many people have said this or spoken something like this)
Answer: I don’t know. I’d love to meet her soon. But until then I have to keep preparing myself for her and continue devoting my life to Jesus.

Question: You’re leaving me! (Close to being a question)
Answer: I know and I’m really scared to do so (Like, literally. I’m scared to leave my friends). I have many people I love and care for here in the U.S. But I also firmly believe that God has opened this door for a reason and I’m excited to walk through it. I’m going to miss you!

Remember, there is still the possibility of me NOT going. I don’t think that will happen, but it’s all up to God right now. I still have to get some things cleared up.

Until then, I would love to see everyone before I leave. I’m going to try to have some kind of “going away party” at the end of July (25-27?), so keep your calendars open. I don’t like to throw parties for “me”, I think it sounds super conceited. BUT, this party isn’t just for me, it’s for those of you I love and want to see before I leave, so it’s kind of an exception.

For now, I’m jobless and unemployed. I’m trying to do some video work, life coachingIsrael experiences and some websites (For websites, please email me [email protected]). This money will go to help with some of my travel costs this fall. So if you know anyone interested, let me know. You can check out each thing by clicking on them.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them below in the comment section.

About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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