Today was a very drawn out, “information overload,” type of day. It was another early morning for me–that is, 7 am. For some reason I keep waking up at that time, but it lets me get the most out of my time here. The first thing we did was go to The Coffee Bean (aka The Bean) for some breakfast, which was awesome if I do say so myself.

Our next stop was the Rockefeller museum. This place has endless amounts of ancient artifacts, such a tombs, sarcophagi, bones and pottery. Some claim to date back to 100,000 years ago. This was humbling to know that our short lives on earth really is just a sand on the seashore. (Unfortunately there were no pictures or videos allowed, but I must say it was beautiful!) From here we went to the Theodore Herzl museum where we learned about the visionary who was, much in part, the reason for Israel reclaiming their state. We saw a video and then went to his tomb, which was also a humbling experience. Our amazing tour guide, Sarah, told us that his tomb sits on the highest place in Jerusalem. After this we went to lunch.

After lunch we went to the Knesset, which is where the Israeli parliament and government is held. We also saw one of the Menorah that was given to Jerusalem as a gift. It has several different carvings that tell stories of people such as David in it. We then went to the Jewish Market. This place was incredible. I was able to buy STEELER AND PENGUIN YAMACAS! I was pretty darn happy. I also bought a Jerusalem shot glass, which puts me up to about 74 or 75 I think, not positive, but it’s close to that. Anyways, this place is like the Strip District on Saturday morning on Steroids! It was awesome to be in this place.

The atmosphere here is so phenomenal and it truly is amazing to know and realize I am not only half way around the world, but I am where Jesus was. So many emotions, but nonetheless I finally get a hold of myself and enjoy it. God Bless, and “Laila Tuv” (Good night!)

About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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