Today was kind of a different day. I woke up and enjoyed the beautiful Jerusalem boker (morning). The sun was up, no clouds in sight so I sat out on my balcony and just took in the peaceful Shabat. After enjoying an hour talking with my Pastors and my dad, I got ready for our time of worship. I got to play the djembe, which I love to play more than a full drum set. I know I’m not that great at it, but for me it takes me to that deeper place with God. I just break down and say, “Here I am God, I am a terrible human being and I deserve nothing, but you deserve more than I can ever give. Take me as I am, and have your way with me.” So today was a quiet and kind of down time for me. Dr. Davis’ message was amazing, and I was so encouraged and taken back by the words which he spoke.

After the message we went for some lunch and made a new friend, Nadine, at our new favorite restaurant, Bolognese. She invited us to come to her art table next Friday and we are going to do our best not to miss it. She is an amazing waitress and were all excited to get to know her better. After lunch we went to the Arab and Christian market where I was able to barter again (Yes, I am addicted to bartering, but I’m half decent at it if I do say so myself). I saw a Pittsburgh shirt and had to have it. He started out at 50 sheckles, and after walking away 3-4 times, he went down to 20 sheckles (5 dollars) and it was a deal. Unfortunately after 30-45 minutes of searching to cilantro, we couldn’t find any and had to head back (except me) empty handed.

We found the rest (except for the cilantro) of what we needed at a super-market right up the street and marched on for the Salsa Party. This wasn’t your typical salse party. There was some electric slide, some cha-cha dancing, which I wish I would have done, and some limbo. Although I got it all on film, I kind of wish I would have danced. I just know I would have made a fool of myself and dancing really isn’t my thing–this is until I get in a relationship, but then I will love to dance! I am excited to make a new video about the party and once I get the music from Veraliz it will be up.

To be quite honest, my time in Jerusalem has been amazing from the sight seeing point of view. However, God has kind of remained silent to me. I came on this trip excited to finally get myself back in line spiritually and begin to hear God in a fresh way, but He has been silent. So today I took some more time in prayer and quiet time with Him, but He has still been silent. But I know this: when you hear nothing and you feel like God is far away, that is when you press in deeper because when you do, there is a breakthrough coming just on the other side of that mountain you climb. So I will continue to climb and press in to God so that I can receive that breakthrough and be opened to a fresh anointing that He wants to place on my life

About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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